
TAG: Teaching adaptive Gymnastics

Special Needs Classes

Hi-NRG offers adaptive gymnastics for all skill levels in the special needs community. This class will challenge their cognitive and motor skills as well as increase their confidence.

Meeting Athletes Where They Are

This class, for children preschool age and older, will offer music and movement activities as well as hands-on support from our Coaches and Staff as the kiddos explore various gymnastics equipment. The role of Coaches and Staff will be to keep children safe, while also helping to facilitate activities that meet their skill level where they are. As we get to know each child, we will be able to tailor activities based on their developmental and physical needs.

Why Sign Your Child Up For Special Needs Classes?

Nothing should stand in the way of fulfilling the love of gymnastics and that’s why Hi-NRG offers classes for those who require just a little something extra special. We have a team of coaches specifically qualified to train children with any kind of disability- physical or otherwise. Our special needs classes mimic the benefits of our other gymnastics classes and we do not let the exception get in the way of developing a first class athlete.

What They Learn:

Music & Movement
Developing New Skills

Going The Extra Step

We still focus on the development of strength and flexibility since this can be therapeutic for some with mobility issues as it stretches and builds muscles that are susceptible to numbness and cramps depending on the condition. At Hi-NRG, inclusion is very important to us as we believe that classes like the ones we offer can help teach acceptance of each other’s differences. We also strive to create an atmosphere that teaches children that we are all different and that is ok. We encourage all of our students to be whatever they want as long as they are disciplined and work hard to make their dreams come true.

sign up for a tag class

HI-NRG Teaching Adaptive Gymnastics classes are taught at our O’Fallon location!
Thursdays, 6:10 to 7:00 PM